Gabi Jiménez

Gabi Jimenez is a French painter and artist ... and gypsy. Citizen committed to the memory of the tragedy of the Gypsies in France during and after the Second World War, his paintings are exhibited throughout France and Europe.

In 2007, he represented France at the first Roma pavilion at the Venice Biennale Internationale d'Art Contemporain, a landmark event and a turning point in the perception of contemporary art of the Gypsy community. There are numerous collective and solo exhibitions in which the artist represents the Roma and Travelers community, activating through these works so that French and Europeans can open their eyes to a situation that worsens year after year, Discrimination in expulsions.

In 2013, following his personal exhibition at the DIHAL - Interministerial Delegation for Housing and Access to Housing - in Paris, the French State bought him two canvases representing "Le Grand Paris". Then in 2014, Gabi Jimenez is nominated by the Ministry of Culture of Spain and receives the prize "Painting and Visual Arts" for all his work militant and committed. In the same year, the President of the European Court of Human Rights acquires one of his works, now on display in the judges' room.

In 2016, the work "Caravan under two cypresses", already noticed at the Venice Biennale in 2007, is exhibited in San Sebastian (Spain), European Capital of Art, during the exhibition "Tratado de Paz" On the representation of peace, and among more than 300 works by artists such as Goya, Rubens, Murillo, Picasso, Ribera, Sophie Ristelhueber ...

Gabi Jimenez's paintings are painted in bright, singing colors, drawings with traces surrounded by black, stylizing the culture of Travelers and never reducing it to simple clichés. Behind the swarms of detail and delight at first glance, however, lies a completely different truth: that of a shameful story of discrimination, violence, hatred, and expulsion. A history still current since the aftermath of the Second World War.


- Rio Loco /Rumba Colors, Toulouse / France
- Art et Résistance, ERIAC, Berlin / Germany
- De Noir, De Blanc, Livre illustrations, Nomade In France / Paris


- Montmagny, terre des arts, Prix du jeune public, Montmagny-Paris / France
- Les Affamés du Cabaret » Cergy / France
- KHAMORO 2017 World Roma Festival, exposition collective, Prague / Czech Republic
- Inauguration Ecole «Gabi Jimenez», Avignon / France
- European Roma Cultural Fondation, Budapest / Hungary
- Akathe te Beshen, Galerie Kai Dikhas/Fondation Fédérico Garcia Lorca, Grenade / Spain
- European Roma Cultural Fondation, Berlin / Germany


- Welcome en Gitanie, Cergy / France
- Tratado de Paz, San Sebastian / Spain
-Akathé te beshen - J’y suis, j’y reste! », Berlin, Kleinsassen, Paris, Madrid
- Dans le regard de l’autr, Cergy / France


- Journée internationale des Tsiganes, Mairie de Paris / France
- Porque somos Gitanos, avec La Casa Musical/Setmana de la Rumba,  Catalana


- Have a look into my life, Strasbourg / France
- Prix de Peinture et Arts Plastiques, Ministère de la culture Espagnole, Madrid / Spain
- Cours Européenne des Droits de l’Homme, Strasbourg  / France
- Mais où sont passés les gitans?, Délégation Interministérielle/Premier Ministre, Paris / France
Représentation Permanente auprès du Conseil de l’Europe, Strasbourg / France


- Stopping Place III, Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin / Germany
- En passant par la Bohème, document vidéo/Grand Palais, Paris / France


- Stopping Places I - Galerie Kai Dikhas - Berlin / Germany
- ACASEV 61- Solo exhibition - Alençon / France
- City of Mériel - Solo exhibition - Mériel / Paris / France
- Bann'art - Singular Arts Festival - Group Exhibition - Basket / France
- Eragny "The Challe" - Solo exhibition "Gypsies your papers! ".
Eragny / Paris / France
- Gypsies your papers! / ARTag / Lyon Hall 8th - Solo exhibition -
Lyon - France
- 1st International Congress of Roman art - Solo exhibition - Caceres - Spain
- La Grande Halle de la Villette / Gypsy Road - Solo exhibition - Paris - France
- Gallery Taoka Marines - Solo exhibition - Marines - Paris - France
Vous avez dit Roms? - Bruxelles / Belgium


- Memory of Gypsy / Carreau de Cergy (600 m2)- Solo exhibition -
Cergy / Paris / France
- Le art au fil de l’air - Group exhibition - Marines / Paris / France
- Mémoires Tsiganes "the internment of Gypsies during the Second
World War - 1939/1946 "- Group Exhibition - City of Paris IV / Paris / France
- Balkan Trafik / Roma Touch - Group exhibition - Brussels / Belgium
- Memoire de Gitan / Multimedia Library Le Bachut (two floors)-Solo exhibition -
Lyon / France
- Mairie de Chalons in Champagne- Solo exhibition - France
- Festival Welcome en Tziganie-Solo exhibition - Auch / France
- Exhibition Romale! - Akademie Graz Gallery - Group exhibition - Graz / Austria
Fête de l’été - Exhibition tent - Paysac / Ardeche - France
Une Mémoire Française - Solo exhibition - Taverny / Paris / France
- Festival Nomades - Solo exhibition - Bordeaux / France
Une Mémoire Française - Solo exhibition - Poitiers / France
Festival des Bidonvilles - Photographs and Pictorial works / Shari Vari-Solo exhibition - Cergy / Paris / France
Une Mémoire Française -Solo exhibition - Pierrelaye / Paris / France
- Les Ogres De Barback - Album 2011 - Participation in the illustrations (gypsies caravans)
Voyageurs d’hier et d’aujourd’hui /Travellers from yesterday and today - Group exhibition - Groslay / Paris / France


- Kölnischen Stadtmuseum-Kunst der Roma -  Group exhibition - Roma in der kunst - Cologne / Germany
- Jean Vilar Segpa Herblay - Solo exhibition and educational (for schools) - Herblay / France
- Trajectories Gitanes / Conservatory Slavic - Solo exhibition - Paris / France
- Forbach Manouche Festival - Solo exhibition - Forbach / France
- Jazz Caravan – Multimedia Library Groslay - Solo exhibition - Groslay / Paris / France
- Verloren Paradijs - International Gipsy Festival - Group Exhibition - Tilburg / Holland
- Semaine Tsigane / Multimedia Library Vitry - Solo exhibition - Vitry / Paris / France
- Permis de construire / Building Permit / Mirapol - Solo exhibition - Cergy / Paris / France
- Un air de voyage / Festival des Arts Tsiganes et Nomades - Solo exhibition, Cergy / Paris / France


- Embassies of Romania and Hungary - collective exhibition-Roma Pavilion - Brussels / Belgium
- Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation "Distance and Proximity Gulbenkian Programme"
- Tentures - Lisboa (Lisbon) / Portugal
- Gallery METISSE-permanent exhibition - La Rochelle / France
- League of Human Rights / Gypsy culture week - Domont / Paris / France
- Hungarian Institute in Paris-Collective exhibition "Paradise Lost - Paris

- "The First Roma Pavilion" International Art Biennale of Venice
"La Biennale di Venezia / Italia" - - 52. International Art Exhibition, Venice / Italia
- Semaine Culturelle Tsigane (with Bireli Lagrene & Nouka Maximoff) - Ermont / Paris / France


- Itinérances tsiganes - Lyon / France
- City of Ermont - Ermont / Paris / France
- Les mille et une ... Cultures du monde - Villeuneuve d'Ascq / Lille / France
- Furia Sound Festival - Pontoise / Paris / France


- 12th National Exhibition of Art - Franconville / Paris / France
- Itinéraires Citoyens - Bessancourt / Paris / France
- Itinéraires Citoyens - Taverny / Paris / France
- Itinéraires Citoyens - Ermont / Paris / France
- Traversées Tsiganes / Gypsy Crossings - Dijon / France
- Les gens du voyage / The Travellers - Pontoise / Paris France

- Original artwork card URAVIF / Regional Federation of Associations of Travellers in the Ile de France / Paris / France

2004-2000-199 ...

- L’envers du voyage / Behind the Voyage / FNASAT / Gypsy Studies - Paris / France
- Les gens du voyage / The Travellers - Pontoise / Paris / France
- Reproduction of artwork on textbook / symbolizing Travellers in France /
Paris / France
- Logo of the Federation of Associations and Travellers' Fnasat "- Paris / France
- The Travellers - Pontoise / Paris France